Save Time, Money AND Increase Safety with CEACT® 2010
Since it was launched ten years ago, CEACT® has become the preferred Inland ECDIS / Chart System for leading barge companies such as AEP, Ingram Marine and many others.
Now CEACT Inc. and SevenCs GmbH, the developers of CEACT, are pleased to announce CEACT 2010.
In addition to such famous features as Advanced Tow Builder, Real Time Course Trajectory, and Channel Closest Point of Approach, CEACT 2010 adds:
- Channel Navigation using S-57 ENCs to IENC 2.1 – the USACE’s latest digital chart format,
- AIS Environmental Messaging – get real time lock and dam wind speed, wind direction, horizontal water current speed, current direction and water gauge information (where available),
- AIS Class B Support - as well as the existing AIS class A support – for enhanced traffic visibility and safety,
- On Demand Online Chart Updating – using digital chart services from ChartWorld – a NOAA approved CEVAD,
- Advanced Memory Management, Multi-Core Processor and 64 bit Operating System Support – for enhanced system performance,
- A Host of Other Feature Updates – such as updated channels and mile markers.
Yours sincerely,
Greg Dunkle